Sunday, September 28, 2008

Black Bonzo – Sound of the Apocalypse

These guys are world-class friends of mine. Not so much because we go a long way back; mostly due to the distance. But seriously, they were immediately friendly and quick to bring me into their bevy (by bestowing this wondrous album on me as soon as I showed interest).

BandMates Markus & Anthon remind me quite a bit of my friends Matt & Simon. Whereas the latter were English, the former are Swedish. Aside from a couple consonants and a large pond separating their continents, I feel as if I’ve known them all my life. Whereas Matt & Simon were brothers and amateur filmmakers in high school, Markus & Anthon have no relation to each other beyond the fact that they are professional musicians stationed in the same band. One could infer that you must be blood brothers of sorts to tour the world together.

In any case, I won’t just have positive things to say because they’re my best friends or a pet band. To the contrary, I’ve just met them and have only known their music for a couple weeks. Regardless, I must say that their live performance – which first turned me onto their music – was awesome and listening to their album – believe it or not – is just as startling of an experience. These young pistols and whippersnappers can do both with great success.

Finally, there is a band that defines Progressive Rock and contains all its attributes – from the Rickenbacker to the flutes. Likewise, they release material with zero filler.

If I had to choose one track for you to hear, I’d be totally perplexed when it comes to making the choice. They’re all equal and good. Though if one song had to represent, it’d probably be the “Thorns Upon A Crown” as I love the way this album starts.

Also in succession “The Well” and “Intermission – Revelation Song” bring Kansas and Jethro Tull to mind whereas “Ageless Door” splatters Deep Heep (or is that Uriah Purple) across the walls. In any case, that old joke and overused comparison actually comes into play - for real - this time.

As for that latter day saint, it brings Snow’s “Devil’s Got My Throat” to the surface and graffiti’s all kinds of Queen on its bridges. To our benefit, we get both May & Morse. With allies and guitar heroes like these, you won’t have enemies. Rather, you’ll have sugary candy-shelled acquaintances.

Actually, Joakim Karlsson makes the guitars sing. Providing full disclosure, Mikael Israelsson does drums and Nicklas Åhlund is responsible for the keys. As earlier referenced, Anthon Johansson is the bassist whereas Magnus Lindgren is their voice.

In “Iscariot”, the high hats compliment the top hats. In other words, there’s sheer classiness in the deliverance of vocals and drums. With this ditty, Black Bonzo brings the sixties and the seventies to the forefront whilst providing time signatures as odd as Clockwork Orange. Afterwards, they end the album with a title track that’s worthy of its alias. Then again, every song is on the level of “Bohemian Rhapsody” in terms of its level of melodic mania.

George Roldan, the founder of RoSfest, must have superhero abilities or an extraordinary ear. Even though this band has a funky name and is landlocked far and away in the tundras of Scandinavia, something must have made his thermoreceptors dial their digits or coerced a button-click from his index. Because few had heard of Gonzo’s sun-burned brother before he had made them known.

Their symbol, by the way, looks like the circular logo that Compuware has recently retired. While this international firm makes IT rock around the world, Black Bonzo brings it to festivals and living rooms. Personally, for music enthusiasts; this is better (especially on the weekends), because I can let my tuchos rest while these pros sweat. This not only applies to technical consultants like me, but also to the techies who constitute the majority of the Prog Rock populace. Sorry folks, that goes beyond starry-eyed Trekkies or geeks since this convoluted music is freakishly modish.

In synch with corporate suits trying to make their businesses cool, these guys are legitimately hip and chic. If I had to put this in a TXT Message, I’d write, “4 PR BBz 1337.” For the record, that code corresponds with the word ‘elite’.


[I do believe that tuchos is Yiddish for – pardon my English – butt.]

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